Website User Experience (UX) Update

Part of our website ongoing changes, I’ve wanted to enhance our vistors user experience (UX), so we’ve added a some new cool features to our main homepage. These feautures will assist anyone trying to reach out to me directly. Also included is added reCAPTCHA v2 to add an extra layer of security to prevent spam submissions! Sure do not want that now, don’t we?! 😅

Details of Website Updates

  • We’ve added our social media links to our main page so that anyone can follow us.
  • We’ve added a Contacts Form so that anyone can drop us a line!
  • Fixed some minor bugs in our Astro build (CSS, JS, HTML)
  • Made some minor adjustments to the footer by uitlizing Astro-Icon more than Astro-Emoji.

Hope everyone is enjoying the website and updates!

There will be more changes in progress that will further enhance our website’s UI/UX!

Stay tuned!
