We’re Joining Fiverr!!

We will soon be joining the Fiverr community to promote our services to anyone that need assistance with their Microsoft M365 business solutions to small and medium businesses. We will be utilizing the B2B (Business to Business) model approach to assist companies with achieving their IT goals.

Services to be Expected

We will be providing the following services:

Microsoft M365 Business Consulting and Solutions

  • Microsoft M365 Business Solutions Consultancy.
  • Microsoft M365 Security Posture Assessment.
  • Microsoft IaaS/SaaS Designing and Implementations.

Information Assurance Documentations

  • End user training documentations.
  • Tech user training documentations.
  • Visio Diagrams of flow charts.

Security Assurance Documentations

  • Create a process with training to resolve security rating scores.
  • Create a detailed assessment report and weaknesses to improve on.
  • Create written policies and procedures where there are security gaps.

Price Range

The price range will be determined at a future time. I still need to update the business scope of my services that will be used with Fiverr. But, I can provide at least an estimate of the fees that will be charged. They will be in three tiers that will be defined at a future time.


  • Tier One: $50 an hour.
  • Tier Two: $100 an hour.
  • Tier Three: $200 an hour.

Note: These prices will be adjusted in the future.