Social Shares Beta 1.5 is Out!

We have been working on and off with the our Social Shares code. We’ve been wanting to implement a feature where it will import the title of the blog post whether using Frontmatter or another variable. As of now, I have been unable to achieve this objective.

We’ve also tried to have the social media share links share via the mobile application. However, we’ve discovered that a lot of the social media mobile applications prevent this due to security concerns. The only alternative is to go with the API route, but this will be determined at a future time. We are seeing what the limits are for our current script.

What’s New with Beta 1.5?

  • We’ve added Reddit to the Social Shares links. This feature is simple and effective when we want our users to share on Reddit platform.

  • We’re experimenting with the mobile versions of the code. We’re trying to make the social media share links more accessible via mobile platforms and to launch the actual application. However, come to find out due to security reasons this isn’t plausible unless we are using APIs. More to come later on that regard.

View the Updated version and download here: Click Here